Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Happy First Anniversary

I must make myself stand in the center of a stage that is placed in the center of all the bloggers and have them throw eggs and tomatoes at me. I am the sinner who got too lazy to put up a one-year anniversary post of her own blog. I know how much it means to the bloggers as I have read their posts.

Although, I made this blog in the July of 2011, I gathered the potency to write my first post exactly one year ago.

To be honest, this blog was not like my diary or like my baby or my friend. For me, it was a medium to channel my views, my amateur writing, my beliefs, my callings towards the society and my urgency in trying to talk about some social issues that were hitch hiking in my head from years.

Now, when I look back and read my past blog posts, I feel surprised by how much I could express and emote, regardless of being an introvert. I am overwhelmed by the response too. I never thought thousands of people would actually take the pain to visit this blog and read my ramblings. Every single comment here was like a reward.

So, I thank every single one of you, who have been a part of My Cactus Dress.

The ones who left inspiring and encouraging words, the ones who agreed with my beliefs, the ones who appreciated my efforts, the ones who left essay-comments (you were my favorite), the ones who giggled with me, the ones who got wrathful along with me, the ones who shared their stories after reading mine, the ones who just Liked my posts, the ones (thousands) who came to get the McVeggie recipe to fill their burger-hungry bellies, the ones who Followed me, the ones who gave those cute awards, the ones who came through Google search, even the one who landed on my blog with the Google search "Madhuri Dixit without clothes". Yes, I am talking to you Mr. Pervy Perverson. You all were a part of it.  Every single one who brought this blog to 30,000 views in just a year without a single hateful comment or an upset reader.

Thank you.
Yeah and that happened in one year too.

It was a beautiful journey. I look forward to more memories.

One love,


  1. I love the cactus logo of your name dhara... Really nice... :)

    1. Thank you Akshit. You are the first one to notice.

  2. Congrats..(I am literally screaming with happiness!exaggerated emotional outburst )you have done a great good job darling!!! Keep bloging such awesome things..I have check that McVeggie recipe..I didn't know you wrote anything like that..may be I was late to your blog. :)

    1. Yayyyyyy!! Thank you darling. (with the same screaming and exaggerated emotional outburst). I am from food industry and food is my passion. I put up the McVeggie recipe as it was my own recipe I came up with, after few observations. Let me know, if you try the recipe out.

  3. Hehe. Now that some way to wish your blog. :D

    Happy Anniversary My cactus dress!...Keep us grabbed with your crazy-funny-striking-touching posts!

    1. And haan, the post on Madhuriji was my first read on your blog. :D Though it has nothing to do with those 'search links'..jeezs! :/

    2. I know, right? I mean, how much of energy does it take to have such pervert thoughts go through your mind!
      I am glad you didn't enter the Madhuri post that way ;-)
      Thank you for the wishes Srishti. Your words really meant a lot to me.

  4. Woman!! I have made tht Mc Veggie burger... never knew it was from ur blog!! I just googled!!1 awesome
    btw worry not, even I did not ever have a blog anniversary post. My blog still loves me :P

    1. Man. That is such a beautiful co-incidence. I feel great. trust me. How was the burger?
      And thank you for being like me.

  5. Belated 'birthday' wishes My Cactus Dress :)

  6. Happy First anniversary Dhara :D
    I love the header :D
    And keep going
    -love :*

  7. And darling, as you're celebrating My cactus dress is celebrating her first anniversary.
    Here is a Liebster award :D :D :D :D


    *hugs* ^_^

    1. Thank you Harshini for the wishes and the Liebster award. I am honored. :)

      *Virtual hugs*

  8. Fanfare and bugles. Flashlights and whistles. A little late though, as usual ;)

    1. Let me drop a very clichéd phrase:
      "Better late than never"
      Thank you :)

  9. Well if you can be late posting about it, I can be late commenting on it. ;)

    Happy first year of blogging Dhara.. wishing you many, many more.

  10. First of all, Happy First Anniversary. :)
    And secondly, Happy Second anniversary also.
    (I just came through this from Facebook. I don't know how I missed this last year. My sincere apologies).

    One year and you are so much popular. Two years and you still that popular. #awesome.
    Seriously though, I secretly envy you. :P (Oh wait, that was supposed to be a secret.) As for the late post, well, that's not an issue at all. Instead of the tomatoes and eggs, you would be showered with flowers and praises. If that doesn't happen, wait...there are no if's.

    Well, take care and keep blogging. :)

    1. Thank you SO much Ajay.
      No apologies please, I have missed a lot on your blog than you on mine.
      And popular? Are you kidding me? You have above 200 followers on Blogger. That is something, man. So many people regularly reading your posts. I kind of envy you!
      Thank you for the flowers and praises. Your comment always makes my day. Thank you again :)


Sup 2017!

Gosh, I've been on this blog after so long, it doesn't even recognize me anymore. It's giving me this cold look I usually get f...