Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Summer Book Bingo Challenge.

What better way to bring me back to blogging than a Summer Book Bingo Challenge.

I am right on track with my 2016 Goodreads Reading Challenge. Out of 24 books that I want to read in 2016, I've finished reading 11. Add me on Goodreads here - GOODREADS - if you want me to catch up with your reading challenge as well. I was a bit bored with watching myself being the goody two shoes. So to spice it up a bit, I am participating in My Life As A Teacup's Summer Bingo. It's like a bingo game, but with books!!!

You basically check off  the challenges in a row, either up, down, across, or diagonally to win. For clearer rules and info about the prizes, check out Kristin's blog-

I'll keep on updating about the challenge on my Facebook page or here, if I have more to say. Let's get started with the strategies.

Sup 2017!

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